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Day & Night Face Cream
Hand Cream
Body Lotion
La Danza
Swisso Logical
Swiss Nature
Philip for Men
Vi ste u: NASLOVNICA / Proizvodi / Zepter Cosmetics / ZEPUR
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The production of ZEPUR starts with the selection of 100% natural, pure raw materials, which are carefully processed throughout the production process so that they don’t lose their biological activity. The end result is the skin care line free of any impurities, such as formaldehyde, organohalogen compounds or diethyl phthalate.

  • Hypoallergenic
  • 0% Silicone
  • Alcohol free
  • In accordance with the regulations, the products have not been tested on animals

Our innovate formulas behind Zepur Natural skin care line are made exclusively with 100% natural, biologically active ingredients and are free of synthetic preservatives and fragrances, so discover nature’s beautifying power!
Being hypoallergenic, which means free of substances capable of triggering allergic reactions, makes this natural line of skin care products suitable for very sensitive, irritated (inflamed) and dry skin, as well as for the skin prone to allergies.
Having a gorgeous skin with a natural glow has never been easier.
Discover our new pro repair natural dermal care line and let your skin feel nourished, protected and smooth!